The Center of Spiritual Cultivation

The Center gathers seek spiritual wisdom meditate connect with others
The Center meets each month
on the 1st and 3rd Sundays
on Zoom
unless otherwise announced.
For information about coming programs
The Feminine Heart
of Spirituality
Sunday, February 16th
10:30 am to Noon on Zoom
For a Zoom Invitation

In terms of spirituality, feminism, more than any other contemporary movement, throws open doors that have been not merely closed, but tightly bolted and not just for centuries but for millennia. Diaruid O Murchu
“We in the West are haunted by the loss of our Mother” Caitlan Matthews
Reclaiming the relational mode as the primary dynamic of life, is probably the single most profound and most provocative claim of feminist spirituality. The relationship is the heart of reality, the core interaction and value around which everything and everybody revolves. From it springs the energy and dynamism to engage creatively and with purpose. Diaruid O Murchu
Music Includes
Harp Meditation by Patrice Haan
Bring Me Little Water Silvey - Sweet Honey in the Rock
The Song of Bernadette - Jennifer Warnes
My Heart Goes On - James Horner, French Horn